Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Extra Credit:

Extra Credit:
26. The “ARC” is the range of degrees that the Native American Indian experience encounters that is covered with the central theme of self-awareness and search for true identity. In the reader, Native Americans were being taken over by the white man’s Christian influences and they were being conflicted in their Native and present Christian beliefs and had to adjust their lives such as in Laverne Jacobs section about the Native American Church. The “ARC” is the development of a range of cultures that are being differentiated by the competition. Native Americans were conflicted because the Christian religion looked down upon the Native American ways and the Native Americans were seen as bad stereotypes and this made Native Americans attracted to Christianity, but this was until they realized that they could be both supportive of their Christian and Native ways. Native Americans became attacked and started to think about their identities. Before they did not have to think about their skin color, their race, or the difference between themselves and another culture, religion, or religious practices. To many of the Indians in the reader religion became connected with identity. Now that the Christian missionaries came along and that they had to reflect on their whole way of life they were forced with three key actions to take part in assimilation, annihilation, or identification. Many Indians died for their Native freedoms in many battles and many massacre such as with the massacre at Wounded Knee. Native Americans are a very brave and honorable people that stick up to their system of life. Some Native Americans were either force or decided to assimilate with the Christian way such a Laverne Jacobs because the Native American way of life was looked down upon and Christianity brought meaning and purpose to their lives. Many of ones that assimilated with the Christian beliefs were also accepting of the Native ways, so they were conflicted with both their Christian belief and Native spirituality. Native Americans were in a great struggle of self-awareness of religion.

28. Make a film based on one of the readings provided in the reader:

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